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Mitti 2.8.4

Pro video cue playback solution for live events and exhibitions

Category: Video
Price: High
Popularity: Low
Version String: 2.8.4 (1266)
Release Date: 2024-09-16
Architecture: Intel & AppleSilicon(ARM)
Minimum OS: macOS 10.15
Vendor Name: Imimot Kft
Homepage: imimot.com

Version History 2.8.4 (1266)

Mitti 2.8.4 (Sep 23, 2024 - Rev.1266)
• Possible playback problems after moved a looped Cue around the playlist
• No way to close the Browser Source window when Interacting on macOS 14.6 or later
• Looping Audio only Cue may play wrong part after In/Out points edited
• Jump commands don't work with NMC in certain circumstances
• With audio-only Cues, playhead doesn't set the In point location after a project loaded
• Transition selection in Playlist Preferences doesn't apply to new Cues
• In/Out times are editable for non-video Cues from the Cue menu

Mitti 2.8.3 (July 3, 2024 - Rev.1258)
• Changes in the rendering pipeline to avoid a very rare crash
• Crash on copying a large amount of Cues
• Audio may be silenced after calling Goto commands in some rare circumstances
• Goto30 may be processed from OSC even if the Cue is shorter in time

Mitti 2.8.2 (4th of June, 2024 - Rev.1253)
• Port 51000 shouldn't be allowed for OSC feedback to avoid possible issues
• Playback speed won't restore for audio on project load
• Audio may start from the wrong position if playback speed isn't 100%
• Out-point placement error when set from Playhead in certain circumstances
• Possible crash on a cue with audio playing from a drive that is being removed suddenly
• Possible problems when Goto commands coming too fast from OSC
• UI glitch on drawing Cues during re-order
• NDI cue is frozen while Transition to Next Cue on Intel Macs
• Special OSC keywords like /all/ won't work with custom Cue IDs
• Hyperdeck shuttle feature doesn't working on a playing cue
• View menu item 'Hide Playlist and Transport' doesn't turn into 'Show Playlist and Transport'

Mitti 2.8.1 (21st of May, 2024 - Rev.1240)
• Crash on a new setup with a Syphon Output
• Crash on loading a project with many Cues set to Transtition to Next Cue
• Crash on trying to normalize a non-file based Cue
• Subtitle Font Size on Outputs are much smaller than in previous versions of Mitti
• Last loop of a numbered looping item may restart when calling play in certain circumstances

Mitti 2.8 (7th of May, 2024 - Rev.1234)
Click here for an overview of the new features.
What's new?
• Playback Speed control for Video Cues
• 10 bit rendering
• Downmix Multi-channel audio to Stereo
• Interact with Browser Cues
• Get and Edit Start Time of Subtitles
• Media Info Panel
• Track and auto-update location changes for file based Media
• New OSC functions for toggling Video Outputs
• Rendering of .mp4 files is more optimal from now
• Rendering performance on Blackmagic and NDI Outputs is increased
• The "Show in Finder..." option is now available from the right-click menu of Cues
• Enhanced logging capabilities
• Enhanced User-Agent representation for the Browser Cue
• Blackmagic Output may render on a screen after reconnecting in certain circumstances
• Crash during system sleep in certain circumstances
• Crash on unreadable audio file
• Crash on changing the transition while the transition is running
• Crash on changing Goto at the end of the playlist
• Screen popup doesn't select the correct screen in certain circumstances
• /cueName OSC feedback may get truncated in certain circumstances
• HyperDeck compatibility on the ATEM Constellation models
• Can't connect to Syphon servers in certain circumstances
• OSC Feedback-loop crash
• UI glitch around Window Sources' source panel

Mitti 2.5.6 (November 28, 2023 - Rev.1165)
• Now it is possible to activate/deactivate Mitti from the command line. Please check the documentation for details.
• Crash on calling ATEM integration's Pause at End action if the switcher isn't connected anymore
• Selected ATEM Switcher may not reconnect upon project load
• Cue ID and Title may padded to the right in certain circumstances
• Audio goes silent after looping in certain circumstances

Mitti 2.5.5 (October 30, 2023 - Rev.1151)
• Playback pauses for a moment when Mitti goes to the background in certain circumstances
• Crash when switching to an only 1 frame long movie
• Crash on changing number of outputs
• Display issues on UI with only a couple of frames long movies
• Selected subtitle doesn't restore after project load
• Problems with .srt subtitle parsing in certain circumstances
• Bundle Playlist should collect sidecar subtitle files too
• Calling Goto10/20/30 or Pause on a looping Cue may selects the next Cue
• Edge Blending remains on after remove other display(s)

Mitti 2.5.4 (October 9, 2023 - Rev.1139)
• Cue played after a looping Cue may run out in certain circumstances
• Problems on NMC backup after calling Panic with Fade out & Rewind
• ATEM Integration popup may lists other Blackmagic products that are not switchers
• Sound click on the NDI/SDI audio output after processing a JUMP with transition
• Crash on resizing Mitti's Window on macOS 14 Sonoma
• Cue Volume level may display wrong number after the project loaded

Mitti 2.5.3 (22/09/2023 - Rev.1129)
• Problem with Goto10/20/30 if there is a looping Cue before the current one

Mitti 2.5.2 (19/09/2023 - Rev.1127)
Features & Enhancements
• Added option to enable/disable Hide Mouse Cursor on Outputs
• Added support to auto-discovery of newer ATEM switchers like the HD8
• Auto-Start on Open may not starts the movie if an In Point has been set
• Optimizations when Subtitle/CC rendering on Output is on, but the Current Cue does not have a subtitle
• OSC Feedback should not be allow to set to port 51000 on localhost
• MTC Follower mode may crash when there is a jump in the timecode
• Various issues with Edge Blending

Mitti 2.5.1 (07/06/2023 - Rev.1117)
• NMC Panic with Fade out & Load may not process correctly on the Follower
• Crash on loading a new playlist while playing
• Vertical Scale is wrong with portrait mode videos
• BMD 2160p23.98 mode is missing

Mitti 2.5 (05/31/2023 - Rev.1112)
Click here for an overview of the new features.
What's new?
• Subtitle / Closed Caption rendering
• Window Source (requires macOS 12.3 at least)
• Prevent Display Mirroring
• Refactored audio engine
• Axis Independent Scale and Selectable Transform Origin
• Support for HEVC with Alpha codec
• ATEM Integration with Manual IP
• Hyperdeck Emulation shows Ethernet IP
• Panic with 'Load Next Cue' option
• Extend Mono with Options
• Support for file Aliases
• Added indicator for playback needs to be started on NDI cues to get incoming audio
• Added buttons next to the In/Out time fields to set In/Out Times from the playhead
• Added indicator of waveforms being processed
• After setting a new Goto target for the first time, enable it automatically
• Added warning if selected a Core Audio Blackmagic audio output instead of NDI & SDI
• Crash on Quit because could not cancel waveform generation
• NDI/Camera Cue audio to NDI/SDI output
• Loading a longer playlist after a longer playlist already loaded makes Mitti stuck
• Freeze on importing many files
• Various changes to avoid some potential deadlocks in rare circumstances

Mitti 2.2.9 (03/21/2023 - Rev.1049)
• Memory usage is greatly reduced by improved memory management on audio analysis
• Art-Net connection may break over the time
• Mitti may not process incoming Art-Net data in certain circumstances
• Project loading hangs if there are many looping Cues
• Possible crash on changing the In Time of a Cue
• Custom Transition time does not restore correctly for non-movie type cues in certain circumstances
• Unnecessary video preloading in some circumstances
• GOTO buttons may remain disabled after hitting their hotkeys

Mitti 2.2.8 (01/24/2023 - Rev.1040)
What's new?
• Adds the possibility to set the selected Cue as the Goto target on the current. Available from the Cue menu or with CMD+G
• Adds new OSC command /mitti/{cueid}/setGotoToCueID
• Adds new OSC command /mitti/ping which sends a /mitti/pong on the OSC feedback port
• Crash on opening Video Output in rare circumstances
• Playback may freeze when tapping on the Playhead Area
• Transport controls should be disabled while dragging the playhead
• No audio from NDI or Camera Cues in certain circumstances
• NDI input audio does not restart playback after the source reconnected
• Audio on NDI Output may go out of sync when using Transition on Play
• Auto-align to time does not working if the source is missing
• Playhead area does not update after changing Auto-Align to time
• /mitti/{cueid}/toggle... OSC commands do not work in some situations

Mitti 2.2.7 (20/12/2022 - Rev.1026)
• Performance problems with Browser Cue on macOS 13 Ventura
• Cannot set Out time from the Cue menu in certain circumstances
• /mitti/{cuenumber}/cropRightAsPixels and /mitti/{cuenumber}/cropTopAsPixels OSC messages are not working properly
• Various small UI problems

Mitti 2.2.6 (22/11/2022 - Rev.1023)
• Crash when file is unreadable or getting unavailable from a network drive
• Seeking on file by clicking on the timeline repeatedly may result in unexpected behavior if the file is on a slow drive (e.g. network drive)
• If an In-time has been set and the video is on a slow drive (e.g. network drive) it might not be playable
• Calling Jump to First Cue result in missing Blue Bar
• Jumping to Last Item in a looping playlist with a single Still Image Cue results in a deadlock
• Some tweaks around handling /mitti/playhead OSC messages

Mitti 2.2.5 (04/10/2022 - Rev.1016)
• Goto 10 keyboard shortcut has been set back to CMD+5, creating Browser Cue is now using CMD+SHIFT+1
• Audio may drift out after a while when using 23.98p or 59.94p Blackmagic Output
• First frame might be a glitch from last playback if the ATEM Load Next Cue action is triggered while the video was playing
• Odd behaviour of NMC backups when the current Cue is at Pause-at-End and trying to trigger an other
• Turning off looping on a Cue after it looped a couple of times then enabling Transition results in unwanted jumps in the playlist
• Rare crash on frame-stepping videos

Mitti 2.2.4 (19/09/2022 - Rev.1007)
• /mitti/{CueNumber}/cueName OSC feedback is broken
• If Mitti is launched at the first time, Preview and Video Outputs are blank until an Output is set
• Crash on setting 0 to Custom Transition duration
• Crash on changing Corner Point editing zoom after deleting a Screen in Video Outputs
• UI issues around undoing Screen deletion in Video Outputs

Mitti 2.2.3 (06/09/2022 - Rev.1001)
New & Enhanced
• Switched to NDI 5.5
• Added /mitti/{CueNumber}/cueName OSC feedback
• Added /mitti/{CueNumber}/deleted OSC feedback
• Modernized Feedback Reporter
• An invalid ATEM Integration setting may prevent Mitti from proper startup
• Rare crash around toggling Fullscreen on/off
• Opening a project with missing movies will stuck
• Opening a project with no Cues will stuck
• Hang on bulk-editing duration of many files
• Some settings are not stored in defaults
• Slower loading of projects with non-movies Cues
• Possible threading issue on loading Video Output settings
• Cues' collapsed state not restoring correctly if default state is set to Expanded
• Various OSC Feedback related fixes

Mitti 2.2.2 (08/17/2022 - Rev.990)
• Importing many files when Transition to Next Item is enabled is significantly improved
• Show warning when macOS Privacy Settings does not allow Mitti to read a Mitti License Dongle
• Loading of the project file is stuck around halfway in certain circumstances
• Some HAP flavours may rendering wrong

Mitti 2.2.1 (06/27/2022 - Rev.984)
What's New
• ATEM Integration's CUT/AUTO on Pause at End now supports Media Players, and everything on Preview
• After the project is loaded, Browser Cues pausing all video tags by default unless it is the Current one
• If trying to activate a Mitti v2 instance with a v1 only license key, the error message should be more informative
• Playback of selected clip might be skipped in certain circumstance
• Geometry, Color Controls & Panic does not working while the Cue is paused in certain circumstances
• Panic & Auto-Fade duration could be higher than set

Mitti 2.2 (06/02/2022 - Rev.978)
Click here for an overview of the new features.
What's New?
• Audio Normalization
• New Cue Type: Browser Source
• Added dB display for Master Volume
• Upgraded NDI to v5.1.1
• Added /mitti/autoFade OSC Command
• Now it is possible to use Pause at Beginning and Transition on a Cue
• If remaining time is too short for the Transition on Play/Jump, now we are holding the last frame of the current Cue instead of doing a Jump
• UI glitches around processing LOAD
• Clicking outside from a text field to a button does not end editing
• Playback stuttering on NDI or BMD Output when toggling on/off Mitti's Window from Fullscreen
• Videos may hold the last frame when playing again if Jump behaviour is LOAD in certain circumstances
• Crash on Transition to a new Cue from a Looping Cue close to its end
• Rare crash on seeking to a new location in LTC/MTC follower mode
• Stuttering playback after playback stalled because of a reading problem
• License Dongle not listed in Dongle Management if there are no more available seats
• "File not found" after relinking missing files
• NDI Crash with non-standard resolutions
• Hitting ESC on the Registration panel process Deactivate
• Cue won't start if previously it was target of Transition to Next Cue, but the transition was interrupted by an other Jump
• Target of Transition to Next Cue keep playing in background if Transition was interrupted by a Jump
• Jumping to the target of Transition to Next Cue during Transition stops playback
• Jumping backward from a Transition to Next Cue does not rewind the next Cue
• Jumping inside the area of Transition to Next Cue results in delayed audio playback
• UI glitch after seeking playhead forward from a Transition to Next Cue
• Transition to Next Cue jumps thru the Playlist if Playlist Start time is not 00:00:00:00
• Crash on selecting a disconnected BMD Output
• Goto Cue goes next cue after target when clicking into transition time
• Crash on switching audio output after a loading multiple projects in some cases
• Crash on selecting multiple Cues with different Transition time

Mitti 2.1.3 (04/05/2022 - Rev.924)
• Playhead scrubbing problems with NMC
• No audio on backup after pause with NMC
• ESC should cancel editing on text fields
• Cue Inspector does not refresh after deselecting all Cue with ESC
• CMD+ESC quits Mitti from macOS Fullscreen state if Panic is activated already
• Crash if file is disappearing from the playlist during playback

Mitti 2.1.2 (03/21/2022 - Rev.920)
• Audio may de-sync over the time on Blackmagic Outputs
• Playback is stuttering on the next loop of a looping video after changing the Video In time without rewind
• Playlist Loop is broken when there is only one Cue
• Video shows only the first frame on the first play in certain circumstances
• On add, multi-page PDF files my display the wrong thumbnail
• After disabling Loop on a Cue, the next Cue might "run out"
• Crash when an imported still image has width or height over 16384 pixels
• HAP thumbnail is upside-down sometimes
• HAP files are darker
• MTC/LTC sync does not play audio
• Playhead location change by dragging does not synchronize on NMC Backups
• Thumbnail aspect might wrong in Cue Inspector
• Cannot playback audio although waveform is generated correctly in rare circumstances
• Video shows only the first frame after changing Video In time multiple times in a row
• Possible deadlock around starting/stopping playback in certain rare circumstances
• Audio Waveform may stuck in "Generating Waveform" state in certain rare circumstances
• Possible deadlock around switching Video Outputs in certain circumstances

Mitti 2.1.1 (02/24/2022 - Rev.894)
• Playback may show only the last frame when replaying a Cue already played in a looping playlist
• Playback of destination Cue of a Transition-to-Next-Item may stops when the transition finishes
• Audio hiccup on the first play of a newly added video
• Geometry & Color Controls does not update after playback is stopped in certain circumstances
• Crash on Waveform generation in certain circumstances
• Crash on adding a not decodable file
• Crash on transcoding in certain circumstances
• Playhead drawing is glitchy on processing Transition-to-Next-Cue
• Crop should be transparent
• Volume mount/unmount may popup the Demo window
• Behaviour of Outpoint dragging is odd in certain circumstances
• Crash with vMix Desktop Capture
• Rendering glitch on Working Area when switching between Cues

Mitti 2.1 (02/10/2022 - Rev.881)
• For smooth playback, we've implemented a new video buffering method
• We have moved to a more modern audio API to better handle audio in certain formats
• CUT/AUTO to a specified ATEM input or the Preview when a Cue ends with Pause at End
• Added OSC Feedbacks /selectedCueID & /currentCueID
• Improved performance on playout with Blackmagic & NDI Output
• Stuttering playback
• Crash on loading a project with Blackmagic or NDI output in certain circumstances
• Crash on importing multiple files in certain circumstances
• Cannot read audio track of some files
• Hang on startup when an ATEM switcher is connected
• Cue switching with LOAD is slow in certain circumstances
• MittiQuicklook plugin crash
• Rendering frame rate will be wrong after changing the number of Outputs in certain circumstances
• When setting rendering FPS for multiple display type Outputs, the laptop screen is also calculated which could lead into problems
• Setting Cue In time after the Out time results in a crash
• Changing Audio Routing from Project to Custom does not working as expected
• Dragging the In Time or Out Time marker may results to jumping to the next Cue suddenly
• Setting Cue Out Time may results in jumping to an other Cue
• Thumbnail may set to an other frame then expected
• ATEM Trigger's Load-Next-Cue action is not processing as expected when a Cue is on pause-at-end state
• No SDI sound when opening multichannel audio project in certain circumstances
• Cue's audio meter does not clearing
• UI is not resizable if the Inspector is closed
• UI glitch with the Inspector & Playlist views
• Launching Mitti with Outputs activated results in a black flash
• Cannot transition to a missing Video Cue

Mitti 2.0.2 (12/23/2021 - Rev.841)
• We are displaying a warning sign next to Trigger from ATEM Switcher, in case the ATEM Switcher drivers are not installed
• Spanned output aspect ratio is incorrect on Display type Video Outputs
• If Activate Outputs on Open is enabled, Main Display may losing Mouse cursor in certain circumstances
• Span and Edge Blending is enabled in single-output configuration in certain circumstances
• Crash on re-linking or transcoding files
• Crash on changing count of Video Outputs
• Preview gets stretched after disabling Span Across Displays
• Deleting an NDI or BMD Output then calling undo makes rendering behave oddly
• When you set Video Output Time to Playhead and Transition in enabled, Mitti jumps to the next Cue

Mitti 2.0.1 (12/16/2021 - Rev.833)
• "Pixellated" rendering on Apple Silicon
• Some BMD output modes are missing
• CMD+U does not working as expected when the Current Cue is not selected
• Crash on creating an NDI Cue in certain circumstances

Mitti 2.0 (12/14/2021 - Rev.830)
Initial release. Please check out the What's New article to find out what is new.


Mitti has a clear, intuitive, uncluttered user interface with an easy to learn and use workflow. Runs natively on both Apple Silicon and Intel Macs, and renders smoothly using the power of the Metal rendering technology. Outputs to Screens, Blackmagic Design cards & NDI, and remote controllable in various ways - even from an ATEM Switcher!

Mitti gives you many options to control how a Cue should be played, like looping for a given number of times, then transition to an other Cue - or just hold on the last frame, and wait until you hit Enter on the Cue that should be played next. It is really up to you!

Pause at Beginning or at the End.
Fade In or Out.
Goto to a specific clip, with or without a transition.
Loop infinitely or for a given number of times.
Plus the mixture of the these options.
You can set the defaults in Mitti's Preferences.

Audio Level meter & Waveform view.
Custom Title & Cue ID.
Color Tags & Notes

Videos, Still Images & PDF Files.
Audio Files.
NDI & Syphon Servers.
Cameras. Including native Blackmagic support.

With the Cue Inspector, useful media information and controls of the selected Cue are at hand, when you need it. If you select multiple Cues, the Inspector allows you to change common controls for all of them.

With a custom Cue ID, you can type-to-search for a specific Cue, or send OSC to specifically that Cue - it also makes a Cue more recognizable when setting Goto targets.

The Cue Inspector is also the place where you can set the Play Count for Looping Cues, and when you want to change the name of a Cue - or write a Note for it!

Color Tags can be useful for grouping Cues visually.

Additionally, this place also provides a bigger thumbnail.

Geometry Controls.
Color Controls.
Transition & Fade In/Out Settings.
Audio Volume & Routing.