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NETGEAR Discovery Tool 2.0.4

Tool to discover all Smart Managed Plus switches and Smart Manage Pro switches

Category: Developer Tools
Price: Free
Popularity: Medium
Version String: 2.0.4
Release Date: 2024-06-13
Architecture: Intel
Minimum OS: macOS 10.10.0
Vendor Name: NETGEAR Inc.
Homepage: www.netgear.com

Version History 2.0.4



NSDT should be able to discover all Smart Managed Plus switches (including GS808E & GS810EMX) and Smart Manage Pro switches.

New (v. 1.2.102) Features:
▪ Device registration prompt for ease of registration
▪ Support for Smart Pro Switches
▪ Correct images for all smart switches in production as of September 2018
▪ Default picture displayed for any new switches that were not in production as of September 2018  Resizable window & menu bar

Minor known Issues:
• For the switches with dual-firmware, NSDT does not yet support displaying current active firmware. Please “Check Web GUI” for firmware details on these kind of switches.
• Registration prompt doesn’t display serial number for “#...T...” model switches yet. For now, please check for serial number on device sticker or package box
• Some “#...T...” model switches are not discovered the first time, please run NSDT again.
• Currently NSDT does not determine whether your device is registered or not. If you have registered
already, please just close the registration browser window and the DONE button should be activated.

NOTE: After a new installation of NSDT, it will prompt for device registration only the first time a switch is discovered using that PC/Mac.

1. I can discover a switch but I cannot access the admin page, what is going on?
A. There are a few possibilities. If you see a grey “No Admin Page” button next to the switch, then that particular switch does not have a Web GUI you can access. If you see a purple “Admin Page” button yet still cannot access the admin page, then it’s likely that the switch is on a different subnet than your Mac or PC. In this scenario, please reconfigure your network settings so that your Mac or PC is on the same subnet as the switch.
B. We'd like to point out that certain older switches with older firmware version (e.g. the GS105PE with firmware v or older) may need to be upgraded to newer firmware versions using the ProSAFE Plus Configuration Utility before being successfully discovered by the NETGEAR Switch Discovery Tool. Please refer to firmware release notes for such switches.
C. Finally, it is also possible that you have multiple network adapters on your Mac or PC (WiFi and Wired). Make sure you select an adapter that is on the same network segment as the switches you wish to discover.

2. The switch discovered has the same name as mine but wrong image. Why?
It is possible that the Tool is discovering a newer switch whose image has not yet been added to the tool. In
this case, the default image is displayed, but clicking the Admin Page may still successfully land you on your switch’s login page.