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Bookends 15.0.6

Reference management and bibliography software

Category: Productivity
Price: High
Popularity: Low
Version String:
Release Date: 2024-09-06
Architecture: Intel & AppleSilicon(ARM)
Minimum OS: macOS 10.13.0
Vendor Name: Sonny Software, LLC
Homepage: www.sonnysoftware.com

Version History

You can find release notes for this version here: [www.sonnysoftware.com]


Collect, find, organize, annotate, sync, and publish with Bookends

Reference management entails the collection, annotation, curation, and citation of published information. This is exactly what Bookends does. Bookends performs Internet searches to retrieve references and associated pdfs or web pages, or immediately find and import references for which you already have the pdf. Versatile groups (static, smart, hierarchical, and virtual), Term Lists (keywords, authors, etc.), reference cross-linking (links), multiple notecards per reference, searchable PDF tags, PDF annotation, on-the-fly creation of tag clouds of reference information that can be organized into hierarchical metatags, and instantaneous live searches help organize and find information in your personal collection. Floating citations, activated in your word processor by double-tapping a trigger key, lets you search for references in Bookends, read PDF attachments, create and insert temporary citations and more, all without removing your fingers from the keyboard or leaving the document. Highly configurable displays let you view the reference information and attachments the way you want. Scan your word processor manuscripts to create publication-ready documents complete with bibliographies and footnotes. Sync references and pdfs among your Macs, and if you have purchased Bookends for iOS you can sync with your iPad and iPhone. Create and edit PDF annotations and highlighted text, which instantly appear as Bookends notecards. And much more. Compatible with Microsoft Word 2011/2016 and later, Mellel (including Live Bibliography, updating of citations and bibliographies as you type), Apple Pages, Nisus Writer Pro, Manuscripts, and LibreOffice/OpenOffice 4.

Introducing WYSIWYW (What You See Is What You Want)

A highly configurable, interactive, and editable interface lets you work with reference information the way you want. View Groups or Term Lists (Authors, Keywords, etc.) on the left. In the concise reference view on the right, arrange fields in any order, show just the ones that you find useful, and label them as you like. Editing or entering information is a single click away. Show attachments (pdfs, text files, images, etc.), or use the reference’s URL to show live web pages of its contents. Notecards let you enter, edit, and rearrange your thoughts, and make citing pages in footnotes a snap. Tag clouds let you visualize your terms and word use, and quickly tunnel down to the references you want. Here are some of many different ways that the same data can be viewed in Bookends:


- Formatted reference, reference summary, single column reference list
- PDF display and outline view
- Groups, browser, and note stream
- Tag cloud
- Term List (Authors)
- Enter/Edit Reference
- View PDF in edit pane