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Time Zone Converter and Clock 1.8.0

Convert times across time zones

Category: Productivity
Price: Low
Popularity: Low
Version String: 1.8.0
Release Date: 2024-03-13
Architecture: Intel
Minimum OS: macOS 10.10.0
Vendor Name: Anton Skorniakov
Homepage: timezoneconverterapp.com

Version History 1.8.0

— Update time zones


Calculate exact time anywhere in the world across time zones. Use the world clock to see the current time around the world.

Please try our free web app with the same functionality at https://timezoneconverterapp.com/ before purchasing this app.

Time Zone Converter is perfect for:
● Arranging the conference call time with remote client, team or overseas friends
● Meeting and webinar time planning
● Travel planning
● TV shows and live events planning
● Game coordination

● Time zone converter/calculator
● Time range indicator (business time, business overtime, personal time, sleeping time)
● Indicator of the time difference with local time zone
● Calendar date picker to jump to a ​​specific date
● All time zones of the world with daylight saving time offsets
● 12 and 24-hours time format
● Work with multiple time zones and cities at once
● Neat color themes

Note: We have more than 600 biggest cities in our app, that cover ALL possible world time zones. If you need calculating time for some city that is not present in our app, please use the more global time zone that is used in that city — usually, it is the capital city time zone. And you can always use the time zone by its name, like GMT+2, Eastern Time (ET), Pacifiс Time (PT), India Standard Time (IST) etc.

Our happy customers say:
— “This is definitely one of my daily apps!”
— “A real boost for my productivity”
— “I'm never lost in time zones now”
— “Just love it!”