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Machato 1.9.4

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Category: Productivity
Popularity: Low
Version String: 1.9.4 (31)
Release Date: 2024-05-15
Architecture: Intel & AppleSilicon(ARM)
Minimum OS: macOS 13.0
Vendor Name: Machato.App
Homepage: Unknown Homepage

Version History 1.9.4 (31)

• Improvements:
◦ Added support for gpt-4o
• Improvements:
◦ Added support for Claude Opus, Sonnet and Haiku
◦ Added support for Ollama
◦ Added support for latest OpenAI models
• Changes:
◦ LocalAI support has been removed, in favour of Ollama support
◦ Updated model prices
• Improvements:
◦ Added support for updated GPT turbo preview models (0125 versions).
• Bugfix:
◦ Conversation titles are now correctly aligned
• Improvements:
◦ Added support for Claude 2
◦ Added support for OpenAI's new GPT4-Turbo and GPT3.5-Turbo-1103
◦ Added support for LocalAI models (still early, feel free to test out!)
• Note: The bug that crashes Machato when trying to export on Sonoma is still present due to a regression in SwiftUI, expect a workaround soon though!
• Bugfix:
◦ Fixed Azure profiles
• Bugfixes:
◦ System prompts are now correctly saved and survive restarts
• Improvements:
◦ Added more OpenAI Functions: Calculator, Unit converter, Wikipedia search, Webpage text extractor, OpenWeatherMap integration (only current weather for now), Current location using CoreLocation (grant permission on first use of the function, revokable it in macOS settings)
◦ Added back the "Edit title" button in the side pane, since the tap-to-edit behavior was not easily discoverable
◦ Added a "New conversation" button to folders to create a conversation directly in a given folder
◦ There is now a "Conversation selection" mode, where you can select and rearrange conversations. There is a new associated batch-delete button. Expect a "Move selected" button soon.
◦ Added support for Anthropic's Claude models (9k, 100k context lengths, and instant variants). Add your API key in the settings.
• Bugfixes:
◦ Fixed a bug that would misformat messages when a function was called
• Bugfixes:
◦ The default model settings now uses custom models from profiles, not the pre established gpt models
◦ Changed the "Clear conversation" shortcut to ⌘+⇧+⌫ as the previous one overlapped with the macOS "clear current line of text" shortcut.
◦ The font size setting also applies to the input field
• Improvements
◦ Experimental iCloud sync support, you can enable it in the "Keys & Sync" tab in the settings.
◦ You can now send messages with ⌘+⏎, regardless of your current setting for return-key behavior.
◦ The autoscroll behaviour was greatly improved. For those of you who dislike this feature, you can now disable it in the settings.
◦ Added support for the gpt-3.5-turbo-16k model. Enable it in the settings ("Keys & Sync" tab)
◦ Quickly focus the input field with ⌘+I.
◦ Regenerate the last answer with ⌘+R.
◦ Started working on OpenAI Functions. A calculator function is already implemented in Machato: try asking chatgpt to compute some maths. You have to use the model get-3.5-turbo-16k.
• Improvements:
◦ There is now a prompt library for system prompts
◦ There is a new Profile system to manage available models. You can now use multiple OpenAI accounts. Experimentally, you can also add Azure OpenAI instances. Use the Keys tab in the settings to use this feature.
• Bugfix:
◦ Code block customisation was not working properly in dark mode. This is fixed.
• Improvements:
◦ ~~Added a hidden setting to use a custom OpenAI endpoint (see blogpost for instructions)~~
◦ Moved the sidebar's top buttons to the toolbar
• Bugfix:
◦ Switched to lazy-rendering of messages. This should improve overall performances throughout the app.
• Improvements:
◦ New Conversation Status Bar that shows the token count for the current conversation, all of its settings (clicking on an indicator allows you to change the associated value), a button to open the prompt library, a "Remaining tokens" indicator.
◦ Share your conversation with ShareGPT via Conversation > Share !
◦ Conversations that received a finished message while unselected now have an "Unread" indicator
◦ Much more granular control over the API request: you can now set all single value parameters available via the API (top_p, max_tokens, presence_penalty, etc).
◦ You can now set a maximum width for messages, which should make reading easier in fullscreen mode.
◦ Exporting conversations now generate a Markdown file.
◦ (Optional, opt-in) Show timestamps on each message.
◦ Minor keyboard shortcut change: change conversation with ⌘+{ / ⌘+}. The previous shortcuts, ⌘+↑ / ⌘+↓, are now used to scroll to the top/bottom of a conversation.
◦ Added a "Clear conversation" option, mapped to ⌘+⌫, which removes all messages and the title from the current conversation.
• Bugfixes:
◦ Fixed the bug that would make the conversation selection oscillate back and forth between two conversations
◦ Up arrow to edit is only enabled when the message text field is empty
◦ Token estimation is now much more accurate
• Bugfixes:
◦ Lag reduction: scrolling is now much smoother in long conversations. Incidentally, message actions are now located on top of the message rather than on the bottom (SwiftUI bug). I am working on further performance improvements.
◦ Fixed the default temperature settings (the settings was not being applied correctly to newly created conversations)
• Improvements:
◦ First implementation of a Prompt Library ! Use preset prompts or create your own. Access the prompt library with ⌘+P or via the button that appears on empty conversations.
• Bugfixes:
◦ Fixed a bug that would allow hover buttons to appear on multiple messages simultaneously
◦ Machato now registers prompt tokens at the end of a response (this avoids counting tokens when an error occurs)
◦ Machato's window size is restored
◦ Search performance was improved
• Improvements:
◦ You can now set each conversation's system instruction (personality).
◦ There is now a window dedicated to credentials input on first launch
◦ Some keyboard shortcuts were added
◦ Press the up arrow to edit the last message. Press escape when editing a message to edit without sending a request
◦ Defaults settings have been simplified and are now more intuitive (they now only affect newly created conversations)
◦ For conversations and folders, accidental deletion is no longer possible.
• Improvements ! (super exciting)
◦ Added an opt-in feature (in the settings Behavior tab) that allows excluding some messages from API requests. This will save money of you decide that some message's context is not important.
◦ You can now see a graph of your API usage through Machato in the settings, with bar charts and a pie-chart !
• Bugfixes:
◦ Fixed a bug where some tokens went missing on rare occasions
◦ Enhanced Message/Response contrast
• Improvements:
◦ Chat folders are here ! You can now create folders and reorganize your conversations more easily
◦ You can now choose to send messages with Shift+Enter instead of Enter
◦ You can collapse long messages
◦ Message actions have a slightly better design
◦ Some API errors come with extra explanation now
• Bugfixes:
◦ Internal rewrite: the app should no longer crash
• Bugfixes:
◦ Scrolling lag should now be fixed, and the various crashes have been adressed. Autoscroll has also been improved.
• Bugfixes:
◦ Revert the fix for scrolling lag, as it caused multiple crashes and issues. Another more stable fix will appear soon
• Bugfixes:
◦ Sending a message while ChatGPT is still generating an answer is now correctly forbidden
• Bugfixes:
◦ Scrolling should be much smoother when ChatGPT is generating an answer
◦ Autoscroll should work better
◦ Fixed a bug where reverting conversation-specific settings to conversation-wide settings didn't work
• Improvements:
◦ Machato can now give you an estimate of your expenses
◦ Input tokens are counted
◦ You can manually enforce light/dark mode
◦ Code blocks now have line numbers (optional)
◦ Gumroad license input improved (preformatted text field)
◦ Quickly change conversation settings with drop-down menus
1.2.0 :
• Bugfixes:
◦ The conversation input field is now automatically focused
◦ Focus is kept on the correct conversation after drag-and-drop reordering
◦ Pasting long texts in the input field no longer breaks the input out of its bounds
◦ It is not possible anymore to send a message while a response is being generated
• Improvements:
◦ Added a search bar allowing to search within a conversation or throughout all conversations
◦ Added a button to edit the last message sent in a conversation
◦ Added a button to resend the last message of a conversation
◦ Scrolling up now breaks autoscroll when a streaming response is being generated
◦ Added a specific error message when the API key is missing
◦ Added an option to control font size
◦ The "check for updates" button now shows up in the "help" menu
◦ Added an option to modify code highlighting themes


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